Vaccinations & Passports

Our travel agent said we don't need any vaccinations.

But, it may be smart to make sure all of your immunizations are up to date.

Please make sure your passport is valid for 6 months after our return date.

If it expires any sooner than that, there is no guarantee that you will be allowed to travel.

Click here for more passport info.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Humanitarian Supplies & a few tips / reminders....

Can you believe we leave in less than 4 days - holy cow!?!

The items they are bringing us to take to Peru are Medical and School Supplies. Crayons, markers, paper, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, and chalk, as well as backpacks with a small chalkboard/eraser/chalk in them. Vitamins, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol swabs, boxes of gauze, and other supplies used for caring for wounds (donated by nurses). They said they have way more stuff than we could possibly bring, but as much as we can take will be greatly appreciated.

We won't have the supplies until tomorrow (Thursday). I will send out an email as soon as everything is here.


I've been checking the 10 day forecast for Lima, Cusco and Iquitos on - so far it looks a little cooler than I expected, and more rain than I wanted (low 70's in Lima - no rain. high 60's in Cusco - 30-60% chance of rain, and mid 80's in Iquitos - 60% chance of rain).

I talked with my Dr today and I thought I'd pass on the info she told me, in case it might help you....

1. I've been sick & she said if my sinuses are still bothering me on days we fly, I should take sudafed 30 minutes before take-off & that will help with being able to pop/clear my ears.

2. she said Carlos' advise to take aspirin to help with the high altitude is a good idea, but also staying hydrated is very important.

3. She gave me a prescription for Cipro - which is an antibiotic that will work if Imodium doesn't. ... so along with aspirin, bring imodium.

I think as long as we are careful with the food & drink we consume, we will be ok, but it's good to be prepared, just in case we ingest something that does make us sick.

*don't forget mosquito repellent & sunscreen. With the humidity & rain, the mosquitoes will be plentiful. And, even if it's not sunny & hot, it's easy to get a sunburn through the clouds - especially at such a high altitude. One last reminder - make sure you have shoes & not just sandals for Iquitos - you don't want your feet to come in direct contact with whatever nasty things are living in the water/mud.